Sunday, February 20, 2011

Crime Scene

When Mike and I leave the house, we restrict the dogs to the kitchen by placing gates at the two doorways out of the kitchen.  The last several weeks, we have been coming home to the gate pushed open just enough for Dillon to get through.  We unsuccessfully tried to stop this by placing obstacles in front of the gate, but have come home and found the obstacles still in place BUT the gate pushed in.  The other day, we came home to find the gate completely intact, but Dillon on the other side of the gate--THE WRONG SIDE!  Mike thought Dillon jumped, I was sure he squeezed through the small opening on either side (above the pressure mount) like a mouse.  Today, it occurred to us that we had the ability to set up our computers to videotape!  This morning we left the house and set up one computer focused on the gate,  came home,  and found the gate was NOT tampered with....FIGURES!  Later, we went out again, and this time set up two computer cameras, one pointed at the gate below, and the other pointed elsewhere in the kitchen.  This time, we came home and found the gate slightly tampered with, Dillon on the other side, and realized that we forgot to press the start button on the video recorder!!!  We're determined to solve this crime tomorrow...

...I snapped this picture of the culprit with my cell phone when we came home...he looks guilty!

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