Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bird Rescue

There's something about all the tall windows in our home that attract suicidal birds to crash into them. Often, the birds fall, get right back up, and fly away.  Other times, they seem temporarily stunned and sit, almost as if paralyzed, only to fly away minutes later.

 This snowy morning, a bird hit the window and then fell into our near frozen pond.  Having seen this, Mike went out and rescued the bird out of the pond and we placed it in an empty planter on a towel in an attempt to keep it warm until it hopefully flew away.  Our dogs became quite interested as we went outside to tend to the bird and here are some shots I captured.  Cody became instantly attached (actually obsessed) and Dillon simply went on with his business of playing ball with himself....

p.s...the bird is still recuperating, but now in a nearby tree, and cody is obsessively waiting by the door to go out and check on his new friend...

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