Friday, February 19, 2010

Midnight Visitor

This raccoon found its way in our house in the middle of the night through an open chimney flue.  After it climbed up two flights of stairs to our bedroom floor,  a ruckus ensued as our dogs began to bark.  Mike left the bedroom to see what the commotion was.  Surprisingly, he and the dogs encountered the raccoon who was then chased down the hallway to Allie's bathroom, where it climbed up on the shower curtain rod and stayed until it was safely captured and released by professionals.  It was a long, crazy night, but the raccoon was actually quite beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Karen:

    Great picture!

    Coincidentally a raccoon ran in front of my car last night driving home from the team dinner. Fortunately I didn't hit him but had a great view of his face and thought how beautiful he was.
