Sunday, January 22, 2012

More Snow!

We got the largest snowfall of the winter last night (12-13 inches)  and we were out driving in it.   It was a winter wonderland and now everything is blanketed in what looks like sugar or flour...

Dillon is so much easier to photograph in the snow because of his contrast.  He loves to eat snow...

This is an interesting shot taken from my front porch.  The background behind the tree looks like half mountain/half cloud.  It's actually accumulated snow that was plowed and dumped at the edge of the street...

Measured from the railing on our porch...there's more!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow Sculptures

Snow sculptures adorn the streets of downtown Aspen...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

La Jolla Mormon Temple

It's difficult to miss this beautiful Disneyland castle-like/Oz"ish" Mormon temple in La Jolla, CA. Unfortunately, I did not see it at night, which is reportedly quite a sight.  The exterior finish is marble chips in stucco.  The east spire is topped with the Angel Moroni statue (see picture #4 below) which adorns most Latter Day Saints temples.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


So, what's more Hollywood...the sign or the boys??

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Pink sky at night...

The mild temperatures lately are responsible for some beautifully colored sunsets over Mt. Daly, but also for the lack of snow!!